Go paperless today!

ACR | DPS is a an Electronic Document Management System that is tightly integrated within ACR TradeTalk and ACR ShopTalk, enabling your business to efficiently go paperless 

What is the DPS for Paperless Office?

Our customers told us that coping with the complexity and volume of supplier invoices, both physically storing them and then locating them when needed was a big challenge. So we listened and have developed a solution to manage this challenge efficiently and securely. 

Introducing the ACR Document Processing System (DPS), an Electronic Document Management System that is tightly integrated within ACR TradeTalk and ACR ShopTalk, enabling your business to efficiently go paperless. The ACR DPS can also be used for more than just supplier invoices. ACR DPS allows fingertip access to any customer, product, supplier or employee document you need securely stored. 

Five reasons to go paperless with DPS...